Part one of this series can be found here.
Everyone knows I'm a Mormon. Seriously, everyone. There have been several times when missionaries have told me that some person they met on the street, usually a person I barely even know, has told them they know me. Even more often, I get messages from people saying they've offered the missionaries a glass of water/paid for their ice cream/not slammed a door in their faces/smiled at them on my behalf. (Thanks, guys!)
What I don't think so many people know is why I believe. (Usually asked as "why I gave up sweet tea and frappes.") The simple answer is that it's true and it's changed my life - but that's not the answer anyone wants. What they want to hear is more complicated, and I can be hesitant to share those details at a holiday dinner or in the middle of the market. I'm more than happy to share in other settings, but most people don't want to come join my Sunday school class or schedule a 45 minute discussion.
So, I've picked 5 principles of the gospel - basic things Mormons believe - that contribute the most to my personal testimony. Mormons believe a lot more than just this, most of it exactly the same as any other Christian church, but these are 5 things that I feel most strongly tie my beliefs to this specific church.
The Priesthood
The priesthood is the power and authority of God to act in His name for the benefit and salvation of His children.
In my church, almost every man has been ordained to hold the priesthood. However, this doesn't mean that all those men are pastors or preachers as other churches think of "the priesthood," nor does it mean that women aren't able to access the priesthood power.
The priesthood is most commonly thought of in relation to priesthood ordinances such as baptism, blessing and passing the sacrament (communion), and giving priesthood blessings. Those ordinances can only be performed by those individuals who have been ordained to hold the priesthood. Additionally, one who holds the priesthood has no access to its power when he isn't worthy to do so. The powers of Heaven can only be used upon the principles of righteousness (D&C 121:34-45).
That same power is also available to anyone authorized to do God's work, regardless of whether they've been ordained to hold the priesthood, so long as they're worthy. I've seen that power magnified in my own life countless times as I've worked to fulfill my callings and serve the people around me.
My testimony of the priesthood is mostly based on the miracle of priesthood blessings. A priesthood blessing is when one who holds the priesthood lays his hands upon someone in need of healing, comfort, or counsel and gives voice to the blessing Heavenly Father wants that person to hear. We believe that the words spoken during priesthood blessings are inspired by God and the Holy Ghost.
Just this week, I received a priesthood blessing because I was ill and needed to leave the Girls Camp where I was serving as a leader. As soon as two priesthood holders laid their hands on my head and began to speak, my soul felt lightened. I felt the Holy Ghost pour into me, assuring me of the things I most needed to know.

Earlier that day, I had felt that I should ask a certain missionary for a blessing, but I'd hesitated to do so. It just so happened that the one who dropped everything to come help me was the same person. As he spoke, I knew not only that I truly needed to hear the exact words he had to say, but also that he personally had no idea what was happening in my life that made them so needed. The things he said weren't easy to hear, but I have no doubt they were inspired by God because He knew everything on my mind.
Priesthood blessings such as those have carried me through many difficult days in the past five years. I couldn't tell you how many I've received, but I've been touched by and grateful for each and every one. It's a tremendous blessing (HA!) to be able to hear the words Heavenly Father wants me to hear spoken aloud. I've never been blessed with miraculous physical healing, and I neither expect nor want to be. What I have been blessed with is the knowledge that Heavenly Father knows and loves me, that Christ is with me in all of my mortal trials, and that the power of God is always accessible to me.
We don't usually take photos of priesthood ordinances being performed, so all I have is stock images provided by I am neither a beautiful young mother nor a sick little boy.