- Friendships with people who support me in being the best and most authentic version of myself
- My patriarchal blessing and the dozens of priesthood blessings I've received
- Being able to spend holidays visiting my parents and grandmother
- 21 years of holiday memories with both of my grandmothers together (in-law unity)
- Rest areas with wheelchair accessible bathrooms
- Serving with a Relief Society president who's taken the time to learn what foods don't make me sick
- AmeriCorps VISTA
- Coworkers who become friends, even temporarily
- The ability to use my time in mortality to love and help others, especially as a CASA and LWB volunteer
- Parents who taught me how to serve
- My home hospital bed, RoboChair, Rikki Bobbi, and other tech that gives me freedom
- Every person who treats me like a "normal" person from the first time they meet me
- Friends and family who listen when I need to vent about the people who don't treat me like a "normal" person (especially those who get angry about it with me)
- Forgiveness
- Years of therapy
- Chocolate
- The Atonement of Jesus Christ
- Knowing (having a unique and precious testimony of) our Heavenly Father's plan for us
- Getting to chill with the Holy Ghost (almost) every day
- Every young adult who chooses to serve as an LDS missionary
- Being loved enough by the missionaries that I get to stay friends with so many of them years after they've gone home

- Drunk texts from former missionaries #honored
- Patty Friend
- Doctors who laugh with me
- All of the bishops, branch presidents, and institute teachers I've had and what I've learned from them
- Accessible parking with adequate ramp space
- Curb cuts that aren't sketch
- Witnessing the miracle of others gaining testimonies of the things Heavenly Father wants them to know
- Snapchat (it's a friendship strengthener)
- Humility (even when it comes from the less pleasant part of "Be humble or be humbled")
- Friends, family, and strangers who both literally and metaphorically pick me up when I'm down
- Friends who both literally and metaphorically sit on the floor with me when they can't pick me up
- Two Excedrin and a bottle of coke
- Having the body that my spirit needs
- Being West Virginian
- Sci-fi where the good guys always win
- Leggings, maxi skirts, and all other manner of clothing that hides the fact that I only shave my legs twice a week in the winter #keepingitreal
- The promise of summer
- Every experience that helps me gain a testimony of the importance of families - not just my own
- Cats who decide I'm their person whether I like it or not
- Old dogs
- Seeing this tattoo every day and remembering why I got it
Please disregard the fact that the only photo I have of it is actually a tan comparison.
- Having a symbol of my covenants with Heavenly Father that I can see every day
- My running list of things I've done that I never thought I could do
- Being born in the first time in history that I could get an education, live independently, drive a car, and do almost everything else that able-bodied people do
- Cinnamon hot chocolate
- Zofran
- The world's coolest baby sister
- The perspective to know that the preteen attitude isn't forever
- An extended family that defies the conventional definition of "family" in every way but love
- Chick-fil-A
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