Sunday, October 16, 2016

Faith Moves Me!

What an awesome weekend! 

Yesterday my friend Jordan and I went to the DC temple. The last time I saw Jordan was at her baptism in Charleston the day before I moved, so it was super cool to go to the temple with her! 

Early in the day, I noticed that my wheelchair battery seemed to be draining more quickly than usual, but I wasn't too concerned. RoboChair and I have gone 10+ miles together, so there's no way a day at the temple should be a problem. 



Juuuust about the time we got past the front desk of the temple, my wheelchair gave me the signal that it was about to die. Considering that I was parked all the way over at the visitors center and we were planning to be inside for at least three hours, that wasn't a good sign. 

By the time I got upstairs, well, "she's dead, Jim." 

Great. Here I am, half a mile from my car, with someone I haven't seen in over a year, and my transformer is giving me an attitude. 

I did the only thing a completely desperate Mormon girl can do: I knelt by the cot in the dressing room (the accessible dressing room is fancy) and said the most confident and faithful prayer of my entire life. 

Heavenly Father, I know you have the power to move my wheelchair. I just need to get through this temple session and back to my car, and then I'm good. I know you can do this and you want me to be here in the temple today, so please take care of this problem. 

Then I got up, finished getting ready, and went on with my day without worrying about it anymore. If I thought about it at all, I reminded myself, "God's got this."

Every time I turned on my wheelchair, the "no battery" signal flashed and the screen went dead, but it always kept moving. It didn't even give me any of the negative behaviors that indicate the battery is getting low. The warning beep never sounded, and the chair never stalled or slowed down like it usually does if the battery gets as low as even 30%. 

I got through that whole session, spent time in the lobby and outside talking with Jordan and Elder Blakley, made it back to my car, and went to dinner, all without a single problem from my dead-as-a-redshirt wheelchair. 

As soon as I was back in my house and within reach of my charger, RoboChair went completely dead. 

It was absolute proof to me that not only is Heavenly Father real, but He also knows and loves me. He understands the things I care about, and He cares about them too. 

If my chair hadn't miraculously kept going, nothing awful would have happened -- I could have borrowed a manual wheelchair while I was in the temple and gotten some of the missionaries there to push RoboChair and I back to my car. Not the end of the world, but it would have bothered me. Heavenly Father understood that, and even though it wasn't the most important thing anyone was praying for that day, He cares enough about me to answer the prayer I uttered with faith that He both could and would.

If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

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